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james & tilla waters
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James & Tilla Waters Ceramics

New Website…

We were reasonably happy with the old one but it was feeling its age (17) so with huge thanks to our friends James from WeDig Media (who’s also a neighbour) and Oli, of Split Design Ltd, we now have a brand new website, I hope you like it. These are a few of the new pots available in our website shop… please have a browse.

small red teapot
grey “square” mug
decorated breakfast mug #16

Also, next weekend James will be in Abergavenny at the Makers Market as part of the Abergavenny Food Festival, alongside fellow makers: Julie Ayton, Adrift Pottery, Jane Bowen, Isatu Hyde, Matt Grimmitt, Bethan Jones, Kate Cornelius and Tim Lake. It’s a lovely spacious venue with an excellent cafe downstairs. We’re hoping to have a few new yummy glazes to show you and some tempting “seconds” under the table. Please come and say hello.

The Art Shop and Chapel, Abergavenny.

Thanks for subscribing and reading!

  1. The new website is easy to navigate. Always nice to change things round from time to time.
    Great pots as always – that’s a constant.

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